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Add a link to your text
It is possible to set up links on text to direct visitors to other pages. Example with the following sentence:
The link at the end of this sentence redirects you to
To add a link to the text:
- Open the page to which the user should be redirected and copy the URL of this page.
- Then go to the page where you want to insert the link.
- Click the text where you want to insert the link.
- Highlight the word(s) that should be clickable to access the link
- Click the text editor button that symbolizes three links on a chain.

- A popup appears

- The highlighted text to host the link appears in this field. It can be modified.
- This option allows to choose:
A link to another page (URL)
A link to an anchor in the page
A link to an email (mailto) - Paste the URL of the page to which the visitor should be redirected.
- The http or https protocol is chosen automatically when you paste the URL.
- Choose how the link will open at the click of the user:
In new window (blank)
In the same window
In a popup over the window of the site
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