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The "AdSense" block displays advertising on a page in order to monetize the traffic on this page. To use this block, you must have a Google AdSense account.
To add an "AdSense" block on a page:
- Open the page where the "AdSense" block should be added
- Click "Add content" where the "AdSense" block should be placed on the page
- Click on the "AdSense"

By clicking on this block, the form of the block appears:

- Enter the customer ID for your Google AdSense account
- Enter the ad number for your Google AdSense account
- Choose the size of the banner ad
- Click "OK"
The banner ad is displayed.
Its content is managed automatically by Google.
Good to know
To see the revenue generated by Google AdSense banners, go to your Google AdSense account.
Read also
Work with Content blocks
Manage your Pages
Work with the Editor
Manage your Images
Adjust your Design
Manage your SEO
Work with the mobile device Editor