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Discard changes on a page

Changes made to a page can be discarded with a single click.
The "Cancel" button located under the "Publish" button discards all changes made to a page and rolls-back to the latest online version of the page.
Note: Backbee allows the roll-back to the previous version but not beyond (no history).
Discarding changes concerns only unpublished elements. Once a page is online, only elements added to the page will be discarded by clicking the “Cancel” button. If you wish to discard older changes, you will have to modify the page and put it online.

Good to know

Each cancellation concerns only the page displayed. The elements being modified and therefore not published on the other pages are not affected by this cancellation.

If you wish to cancel current changes on other pages, you must go to each page and click "Cancel" as many times as necessary.

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