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Editing a page

Each page of your website can be easily edited.

You must open the page to modify it. You can:

  1. Edit or add new content blocks to your pages (text blocks, image blocks, sharing blocks ...)
  2. Edit your text, edit your images, change content ...

As long as you have not published the page, the changes are present in the back office but are not visible to the users.

You do not have to change your page at once: you can close the back office and continue the changes later if you wish. Your work in progress is not lost. They will always be visible in the back office but not put online until you have published it.

The "Cancel" button below the "Publish" button deletes all current changes on the page and returns to the last published version of the page.

When you publish the changes are visible to users.

You can use the back office search engine to quickly access the page you want to edit.

Good to know

You can temporarily "offline" your page being edited. In this case, the users will not be able to see this page until you have given it "online" or published.

If the content of your page changes profoundly, consider modifying if necessary the fields related to the referencing of your page.

The page is not suitable for you? Any created page can be easily deleted.

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