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The "Tweet" block displays a Twitter news feed or highlights a particular Tweet
Example of highlighted tweet
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— BackBee (@BackBeeCMS) May 27, 2016
To add a "Tweet" block
- Open the page where the "Tweet" block is to be added.
- Click "Add content" where the "Tweet" block should be placed on the page.
- Click the "Tweet" block.

By clicking on this block, its form appears:
- Open the Twitter page to share.
To share the entire Twitter feed, copy the URL of the Twitter account
To share a particular Tweet, click on the Tweet you want and then copy its URL - Paste the URL into the URL field of the Tweet block
- Click "OK"

Good to know
The Tweet block settings allow to:
- Change the position of the Tweet in the page: left, centered, right
- Change the number of Tweets to display. This option is useful when the entire Twitter feed is shared on one page of the site

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